Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Faces At MoMA

Hey type nerds, MoMA recently added 23 new digital typefaces to its Architecture and Design Collection. OCR-A (above) was was introduced in 1966 as the first machine-readable typeface. Check out the rest here.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Things From My Face

Joe Scordo is one of my favorite people and he's quite the eccentric person. He takes a good photograph, is a rad illustrator, dabbles in field recordings, does art stuff for Shindig, and is a supporter of the blog. I've been wanting to post a link to his stuff for a while now so here it is. He updates pretty regularly and there's plenty of treats in the audio section as well. He also left a sweet jacket at my apartment a few months back and just to let you know Joe, it's hanging safe in my closet away from Brooklyn filth.
Things From My Face.

Currently Listening: Telepathe

Friday, January 14, 2011

10 Laws of Productivity

More great advice from 99%.

Recently Purchased: Chemex Coffeemaker

The kitchen appliance I'm most proud of owning, which is also the only thing in my kitchen that I've ever purchased, is the Chemex Coffeemaker (That's steam in the photo. It's not dirty, I swear). Designed in 1941 by Peter Schlumbohm, the Chemex Coffeemaker was named one of the "Best Designed Products of Modern Times" and is still pretty darn sexy. Below are some manuals I snapped photos of at the MoMA.

This bottom one I'm confused about. It reads "In this age of CANNIBALLISTICS these 100 products are one hundred rays of hope for the World's Youth." If you know what the heck that means, please comment. I don't get it.

Tears In The Typing Pool

Very saddened to hear that Trish from Broadcast died from pneumonia this morning. While a lot of girl indie acts tend to sound cutesy and playful, Trish had such a full, amazing voice that sounded like it could've been pulled from a 1960s psychedelic basement party. Truly a sad day.
Some favorites:

Read our previous post about Broadcast here.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Historic design office Pentagram finally updated their website, making it way easier to browse through their enormous portfolio of work. I know what I'll be doing for the next hour...

Monday, January 3, 2011

DR003: Smolder, The Cup Of Kindness

Happy New Year, pals. Here's a new song I recorded recently. It has a definite structure and is more of a straight forward song than previous stuff. Picture it more of a goodbye to 2010 than a downer way to start 2011. It doesn't really fit with whatever else I've been doing so I figured this was the best way to do it. I have a full release I've been working on titled "Circadian Rhythm" that Mike and I have been collaborating on the artwork for. No release date yet, but more info soon. We're excited for this one.