Saturday, April 17, 2010

Family In NYC

A little late in posting this, but Family Bookstore from LA is curating a 30 day gallery extravaganza (never thought I'd actually ever use that word seriously) of sorts this month called Thirty Days NY. Here's the description from their site:

"THIRTYDAYSNY is a celebration of the merger of arts and culture. The challenge was building out, organizing, managing, and presenting a live gallery space open to the public for one month in the heart of New York City. The gallery is curated by Family Bookstore, and the accompanying Thirty Days NY website is headed by Dallas Clayton. The completed Thirty Days Gallery, located at 70 Franklin Street, Tribeca, will feature weekly performances, symposiums, and showcases from contemporary artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers from all over the world."

Basically they have a space where they have awesome things going on, and an equally awesome website with tons of content daily. Head over and check it out if you're in the area as there's an ongoing group show as well. Looking forward to seeing Lucky Dragons on May 6th. Especially since their live stuff usually consists of things like this. I'll probably post more about them soon, they do great things with exploring new instruments and sounds.

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