One band that I'm surprised I didn't start listening to earlier is Broadcast. I don't know how I've missed it, but damn they are good. This audio/visual collaboration with The Focus Group from last year is pretty amazing too. Definitely reminiscent of The United States Of America, which we posted about here a few months ago. Also, the man behind The Focus Group is designer, Julian House, who also runs Ghost Box records. Definitely digging his stuff as well.
Everything I Need To Think About Skating Has Nothing To Do With Skating by Geoff McFetridge. A nice little essay, especially if you're in need of a skateboarding refresher. Also, have a look around the Solitary Arts site, they have some rad t-shirts, wheels, and other cool stuff. Just bought a set of the Black Eggs.
"Have a good time doing the worst drawing you ever did and a day without ollies. It can do you good."
A little late in posting this, but Family Bookstore from LA is curating a 30 day gallery extravaganza (never thought I'd actually ever use that word seriously) of sorts this month called Thirty Days NY. Here's the description from their site:
"THIRTYDAYSNY is a celebration of the merger of arts and culture. The challenge was building out, organizing, managing, and presenting a live gallery space open to the public for one month in the heart of New York City. The gallery is curated by Family Bookstore, and the accompanying Thirty Days NY website is headed by Dallas Clayton. The completed Thirty Days Gallery, located at 70 Franklin Street, Tribeca, will feature weekly performances, symposiums, and showcases from contemporary artists, musicians, writers, filmmakers from all over the world."
Basically they have a space where they have awesome things going on, and an equally awesome website with tons of content daily. Head over and check it out if you're in the area as there's an ongoing group show as well. Looking forward to seeing Lucky Dragons on May 6th. Especially since their live stuff usually consists of things like this. I'll probably post more about them soon, they do great things with exploring new instruments and sounds.
Helmut Schmid is an Austrian born designer who is currently based out of Osaka, Japan. He's been in the industry for over half a century, and has undoubtedly left his mark on the world of design. Simple, bold and precise his work embodies the power of the Swiss aesthetic. Truly awesome stuff.
There is a great online archive of all his works to be found here.
So I just bought a bunch of stuff online for us from Field Notes. By "us" you might think we have a studio or something, but really I'm just going to give Mike half of it the next time I see him and then we'll use the stuff separately in our own cities. I've seen these well designed notebooks around in shops but after going to their site I felt compelled to buy something online because I liked the site so much. I wound up buying "The Kit" which may seem like a lot but I'm a sucker for things that match, especially organizational tools like pens, pencils, and notebooks. The whole thing has a pretty 1960s catalog feel and overall is really well done. They also have a notebook subscription where you get season color-themed notebooks sent to you every season. The spring ones even come with marigold seeds to plant. Clever stuff. Go buy some of it. Field Notes
Not sure if we've ever highlighted this album here before, but if we did it's worthy of a double post. I go through stages of all I listen to for a while is this album--no joke. I figured I'd post these two songs because that's the way they appear on the album and they compliment each other nicely. The vocals are pretty much amazing and the influence on some recent music is pretty apparent (as the case usually is with Beatles related music). Ignore the titles of the videos though, there are no Wings involved on this album.
Here's collection of things that I have on my wall that I've randomly come across or have acquired over time. They all have their own little back stories and reasons of why I have them but I won't bore you with that. And last but not least, my Hustle & Flow towel: Everybody gotta have a dream.
Design Blog FormFiftyFive is working on the world's first 3D website. As a test they've added a 3D toggle to their existing page. Read more about it here. Is this an April fools joke? Seems suspect to me.